Senin, 02 April 2018

Sistem Manajemen Hotel Bintang 3 di Wulawesi

Fungsi Manajemen (Pengawasan)
Pengawasan adalah proses untuk memastikan bahwa aktivitas sebenarnya sesuai dengan aktivitas yang direncanakan. Proses pengawasan  dapat melibatkan beberapa elemen-elemen yaitu: (1) menetapkan standar kinerja, (2) mengukur kinerja, (3) membandingkan unjuk kerja dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan, (4) mengambil tindakan korektif saat terdeteksi penyimpangan. Dengan demikian, pengawasan  dapat dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan perencanaan yang telah disusun. Seorang manajer dapat melakukan fungsi pengawasan  dengan baik, jika mengetahui secara jelas proses pengawasan tersebut secara jelas.

Sistem Manajemen Hotel Bintang 3 di Wulawesi. Sedangkan menurut De Chiara dan Callender dalam Time Server Standart for Building Types (1973; 719-735) pada dasarnya sebuah hotel terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu: 
Front Office  Menyangkut pengelolaan bagian umum, karyawan, dan tamu hotel seperti: bagian segistrasi tamu, area administrasi, lobby, kamar tamu serta fasilitas umum seperti restoran dan sebagainya. 
Back of the house Menyangkut pengelolaan bagian hotel seperti housekeeping, laundry, dan ruang mekanikal.

Menurut rekonstruksi lempeng, pulau ini diyakini terbentuk melalui proses tumbukan terran antara Lempeng Asia (yang membentuk semenanjung barat dan barat daya) dan Lempeng Australia (yang membentuk semenanjung tenggara dan Banggai), dengan busur kepulauan yang sebelumnya berada di Samudera Pasifik (dan membentuk semenanjung utara dan timur). Karena ketidakstabilan riwayat tektoniknya, berbagai sesar terbentuk dan akibatnya pulau ini menjadi rawan gempa bumi.

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

History of Besakih

Pura is the term for a place of worship of Hinduism in Indonesia. Temple in Indonesia mainly concentrated in Bali as the island that has the majority of Hindus. The word "temple" is actually derived from the Sanskrit suffix (-pur,-puri,-pura,-puram,-pore), which means it is the city, the fortified town, or city with a tower or castle. In the development of its use on the island of Bali, the term "temple" be specific to a place of worship; while the term "Castle" became special to the residence of the kings and nobles.

This is the origin there Besakih, before there is nothing there only timber and place it in the wilderness, so before there Segara Rupek (Strait of Bali). The island of Bali and Java first one and yet still be separated by the sea. The island is long and named the island Dawa. In East Java, Mount Rawang (now known as Mt roar) there was a hermit named Yogi or Rishi Markandeya.

He came and Hindustan (India), by the escort-escorts called Batara Giri Rawang for the sanctity of the spirit, skills and wisdom (magic sidhi ngucap). At first, the Yogi Markandeya meditated in the mountains Demulung, then moved to the mountain Hyang (supposedly it was DIYENG Hyang mountain in Central Java who came and said DI Hyang). So long he was imprisoned there, got a decree from Widhi Hyang Wasa so that he and his followers in the island forest merabas Dawa after completion, so that the land was distributed to his followers.

The Yogi Markandeya execute the decree and immediately set off to the east with the escort-escorts about some 8000 people. Upon arrival at the destination the Yogi Markandeya told all the escorts working merabas wilderness, carried out as it should. When merabas forest, many of the Yogi Markandeya escort the sick, the dying and the dead there is also eaten by wild beasts, because it is not preceded by a ceremony yadnya (bebanten / offerings). Then stopped and the forest perabasan Yogi Markandeya back again to the original hermitage (the mountain is said to roar in East Java. During some time the Yogi Markandeya lived in the mountain roar. 

Upon a time were considered to be good (Adult Ayu) he wants to continue perabasan back woods it to the opening of new areas, accompanied by the sages and ascetics who will be invited to jointly presented to invoke wara nugraha Widhi Hyang Wasa for the success of this work. escorts this time over 4,000 people who came and Age village (population at the foot of the mountain roar) with bring more agricultural equipment including seeds that will be planted in the forest it would dirabas. Upon arrival at the destination, the Yogi Markandeya immediately tapa yoga meditation together and presenting other yogis upakara yadnya, namely God Yadnya and Yadnya blind. After the ceremony was finished, his followers were put to work to continue perabasan the forest, cutting down trees and others started and south to north. Because've seen quite a lot of forest dirabas, then thanks Asung wara nugraha Widhi Hyang Wasa, the Yogi Markandeya ordered perabasan forest, it was stopped and he started to divisions of land for the followers of each used as paddy fields, dry fields and housing .

In a place where the forest begins perabasan The Yogi Markandeya a pitcher plant (Payuk) of water, also in the form of metal Pancadatu gold, silver, copper, iron and bronze with jewel Mirah Adi (major gems) and upakara (bebanten / offerings) sprinkled more pangentas tirta (holy water). The place where the means were planted BASUKI named. Since that time the followers of the Yogi Markandeya who arrive at the following times and merabas woods for the opening of new areas, no longer overwritten as the disaster which has ever experienced before. So a few excerpts from the Markandeya Purana ejection of the origin of the existence of the village and the temple of Besakih which as mentioned earlier is named Basuki and later in its development until today named Besakih.

Lives of indigenous Bali

Balinese people's life reflected a unique community of life and can not be separated from the cultural mores. Friendly society life pattern pluralism and not too many rules, but of peace. Caste designations, has become important in the lives of the people of Bali, it is a form of respect for the higher castes. Besides caste designations in Bali also recognize kinship or family lineage. And it is becoming important to respect a person to another or between the younger to the older.

The term kinship families Balinese people also have the typical pedigree, the pedigree as the first child is always the family name Wayan, Putu or Gede, which is then followed by a nickname. Born the second child is always given the designation surname Made or Kadek. Following the birth of her third child was given the designation Nyoman or Komang. While the birth of a fourth child was named Ketut.

As for the indigenous people of Bali when their children more than four, for the fifth child back again from the beginning with the mention Wayan or Putu again and so on over and over again for the next name. To distinguish the sex of this lineage, often with names beginning with "I" for men and "Ni" for women, for example, "I Wayan". Lineage is not a rule for the heir of the family, the heir would be entirely right man having to bear the entire cost of indigenous ancestral ceremonies.

When we look at the intent and purpose of the delivery of the lines in the indigenous culture of Bali, there are lessons that we can take in it, that we should always be able to respect the older ones. In other words, culture is learning the norms of life that can not be separated from what is taught by God to us in life in this universe.